Официалният журнал на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България вече на платформата ARPHA с двуезични английско-български публикации

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В началото на юни, платформата за академично публикуване ARPHA приветства официалния журнал на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България, „Българска кардиология”. Списанието излиза за пръв път през 1995 г. като научен орган на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България, член на Европейското кардиологично дружество

От създаването си насам, журналът изпълнява роля на своеобразен форум обединяващ кардиолозите в страната, като целта на „Българска кардиология” остава разпространението както на постиженията на българските медици, така и на ключовите практически указания на Европейското дружество.

С издаването на първия си брой за 2020, „Българска кардиология” е първото академично издание, което ползва новата двуезична услуга на ARPHA, платформа за академично публикуване, създадена от научното издателство и технологичен иноватор Pensoft

В резултат на партньорството си с ARPHA, авторите в „Българска кардиология” имат възможността да публикуват научните си трудове на български език или едновременно на български и английски. В двуезичната си версия, текстовете в двата езика ще се четат един до друг. Добър пример за такава публикация е статията „Резистентна хипертония. Съвременни методи на лечение” на екипа от Аджибадем Сити Клиник-Сърдечно-съдов център (София, България) и Софийски университет „Климент Охридски” д-р Александра Чернева и проф. Иво Петров.

„Резистентна хипертония. Съвременни методи на лечение”, двуезична научна статия на д-р Александра Чернева и проф. Иво Петров, публикувана в новия брой на „Българска кардиология” (юни 2020).
(DOI: 10.3897/bgcardio.26.e52712)

За автори, чийто майчин език не е български, „Българска кардиология” осигурява превод на ръкописа им от английски на български, така че публикацията им да е налична и на двата езика. В новия брой на списанието, такъв е случаят с редакционния коментар на международния екип на учени от Медицинския университет в Силезия (Полша), Университета и Кардиологично-белодробната болница в Ливърпул (Великобритания), Белградския университет (Сърбия) и Сръбския клиничен център, озаглавен “Предсърдно мъждене: значение на данните за реалния свят от регионалните регистри. Фокус върху регистър BALKAN-AF”.

Въпреки че подобна двуезична услуга бе въведена от ARPHA в края на 2019 за списанието на Московския държавен университет „М. В. Ломоносов”, Population and Economics, в „Българска кардиология” авторите не са задължени да предоставят версия на ръкописа си на английски. От редакторския екип на българския журнал преценяват, че автори, които смятат трудовете си от интерес конкретно за учени и професионалисти на национално ниво, следва да имат възможността да публикуват статиите си единствено на български. Въпреки това, за тях е необходимо да предоставят метаданните на ръкописа си, включително заглавие, имена на авторския екип, адрес за кореспонденция и резюме на английски за целите на международни агрегатори и бази данни. Откриваемостта на научни трудове през подобни дигитални портали, които да са достъпни от всяка точка на света, е фундаментално изискване за осигуряването на пълноценна достъпност на научното познание в глобален мащаб.

Освен на красивия и интуитивен за потребителите нов уебсайт, „Българска кардиология” вече се радва и на пословичните за ARPHA технически нововъведения, създадени за удобството както на читателите на списанието, така и на авторите, рецензентите и редакторите, по време на целия издателски процес: от подаването на ръкописа до неговото публикуване, архивиране и разпространение. Благодарение на ARPHA, публикуваното в журнала съдържание също така ползва автоматизиран пренос на данни до международни агрегатори и други полезни онлайн интеграции.

„Българска кардиология” публикува оригинални статии, обзори, клинични случаи, редакционни коментари, писма до редактора, ръководства на Европейското дружество по кардиология, съобщения на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България и Европейското дружество по кардиология, материали, изнесени на техни заседания, обяви за симпозиуми, конгреси и др.

“Удоволствие е за всички ни в екипа на ARPHA да посрещнем журнала на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България в нашето портфолио. Смятам, че партньорството ни е страхотен успех и за двете страни. Докато ние успяхме да персонализираме и осигурим необходимите за Дружеството услуги, те ни предоставиха възможността да проверим и надградим уменията си, за да създадем една цялостна двуезична платформа”,

коментира проф. Любомир Пенев, основател и управител на ARPHA и Pensoft.

Списанието ще продължи да бъде издавано и в печатно издание четири пъти в годината.

Посетете сайта на списанието на: https://journal.bgcardio.org/

Допълнителна информация:

За Дружеството на кардиолозите в България

Учредено през 1952 година, целта на Дружеството на кардиолозите в България (ДКБ) е да популяризира най-новите постижения в областта на кардиологията, да съдейства за издигане на професионалното равнище на кардиолозите в страната и да подпомага международните контакти на своите членове. Основната дейност на ДКБ е насочена към организиране на множество международни и национални прояви, конгреси, курсове, семинари, свързани с проблемите на кардиологията.

Pensoft to publish the paleontology and geobiology journal Zitteliana on behalf of SNSB

Following the recent contract between the State Natural History Collection of Bavaria (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns or SNSB) and the scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft, the scholarly peer-reviewed, open-access journal on paleontology and geobiology Zitteliana will be published on the technologically advanced scholarly publishing platform ARPHA.

Expected later in 2020, Zitteliana will not only benefit from its own sleek-looking and user-friendly website, but will also enjoy a long list of services and high-tech features and human-provided services delivered from ARPHA’s signature fast-track, end-to-end publishing system. 

One thing that will greatly appeal to submitting authors, editors and reviewers is that the collaboration-focused ARPHA Platform supports manuscripts all the way from submission, peer review, editing, publication, dissemination and archiving within its online environment. On the other hand, to the benefit of readers, after publication, the articles are made available in PDF, machine-readable JATS XML formats, and semantically enriched HTML, which prompts discoverability, accessibility, citability and reusability. In addition, the journals will use all unique services offered by ARPHA, such as data publishing, linked data tables, semantic markup and enhancements, automated export of sub-article elements and data to aggregators, web-service integrations with more than 40 world-class indexing and archiving databases, sub-article-level usage metrics, and more.

Zitteliana is a scholarly journal covering all fields of paleontology and geobiology by the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology and Geology (SNSB): a research institution for natural history in Bavaria, comprising five State Collections. Initially limited to publications studying either the materials deposited in SNSB’s own collections, or topics related to the geology and palaeontology of Bavaria and adjacent regions, these days, Zitteliana welcomes articles in all fields of paleontology and geobiology. Encouraged are submissions on paleobiology, numerical paleontology, paleobiogeography, paleogenomics, palaeooceanography, biosedimentology, multiproxy and sequential stratigraphy, biodiversity research, and actuopaleontology, as well as contributions to the journal’s traditionally well-represented topics, such as paleontological taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny, and regional geology.

“It’s a great delight for Pensoft to be partnering such a prominent natural history institution like the SNSB and publish this particular journal of theirs. With our joint expertise and devotion, I am certain that we will successfully address major needs of the research community: readers, authors and their affiliates alike.”

says Pensoft and ARPHA’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev.

The SNSB is the latest major German research institution to collaborate with Pensoft and choose ARPHA Platform for its journals. Since 2014, the Natural History Museum Berlin has trusted the publisher with its historical titles: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift and Zoosystematics and Evolution. In 2017, Evolutionary Systematics, another prominent journal with a legacy in the field of zoology by the University of Hamburg followed suit. In 2020, we will be also seeing the move of three journals by the Senckenberg Nature Research Society: Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, Vertebrate Zoology and Geologica Saxonica.

About SNSB:

The Bavarian Natural History Collections (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, SNSB) are a research institution for natural history in Bavaria. They encompass five State Collections (zoology, botany, paleontology and geology, mineralogy, anthropology and paleoanatomy), the Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg and eight museums with public exhibitions in Munich, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Eichstätt and Nördlingen.

Research conducted by over 30 permanent and 30 third-party funded scientists, currently employed at the SNSB, focuses mainly on the past and present bio- and geodiversity and the evolution of animals and plants. To achieve this, the institution keeps large scientific collections (more than 30,000,000 specimens). The collections and museums also play an instrumental role in public and academic education.

Pensoft partners with ReviewerCredit to certify and reward peer review

Following recent API integration with ReviewerCredits, Pensoft – the scholarly publisher and technology provider – has launched a pilot phase with one of its peer-reviewed, open-access journal: Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ). Reviewers, who create an account on ReviewerCredits, will automatically record their peer review contributions, which will be certified via the platform and receive rewards and recognition within the scholarly community and fellow scientists. 

Apart from a seamless system to showcase their peer review activity, reviewers will also be assigned virtual credits, which can be redeemed for benefits provided by selected partners, including discounted APCs. 

The registration on ReviewerCredits is free. While a reviewer can register any of his/her peer reviews on the platform, reviews for journals partnering with ReviewerCredits earn additional redeemable credits.

Once a reviewer signs in BDJ using their own reviewer account, a pop-up window will recommend that an account on ReviewerCredits is created by using an ORCID ID or an email address. Once the registration is complete, each completed peer review contribution will automatically appear as certified on ReviewerCredits, as soon as the editor submits a final decision on the reviewed manuscript. In line with peer-review confidentiality, the entry displayed on ReviewerCredits will not contain the content of the review, nor the particular paper it is associated with.

“We are happy to partner with ReviewerCredits to further recognise, encourage and reward the contribution of reviewers in BDJ. No one should forget that, at the end of the day, it is up to reviewers to ensure that only good and quality science makes its way in the world. Unfortunately, though, their role in scholarship has traditionally been overlooked and we all need to put in effort to change the status quo,”

comments Prof. Lyubomir Penev, founder and CEO of Pensoft.

“We are excited by the collaboration with Pensoft on this project and to acknowledge BDJ among our prestigious partner journals. Pensoft has proved an extremely competent partner, well aware of the importance for journals to state the value of their peer review process. We work together to strengthen the collaboration between journals and reviewers and we are looking forward to a growing collaboration with Pensoft publications,”

Prof. Giacomo Bellani, co-founder and president of ReviewerCredits, underlines the value and enthusiasm for this new partnership.

Additional information:

About ReviewerCredits:

ReviewerCredits is a startup company, accredited to the University of Milan Bicocca, launched in 2017 by enthusiastic active researchers and scientists. ReviewerCredits is an independent platform dedicated to scientists, Journals and Publishers addressing the peer review process.

Pensoft signs with Senckenberg Nature Research Society to publish three journals on ARPHA

Recently, the scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft signed with one of the largest natural research associations in Germany: the Senckenberg Nature Research Society, to publish three journals: Arthropod Systematics & PhylogenyVertebrate Zoology and Geologica Saxonica on behalf of the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden, one of the oldest natural-science museums in the world.

Expected to move to the Pensoft-developed technologically advanced scholarly publishing platform ARPHA later in 2020, the three academic outlets will not only acquire their own glossy and user-friendly websites, but will also take advantage from ARPHA’s signature fast-track, end-to-end publishing system, which is to benefit all journal users: authors, reviewers and editors alike. In addition, the journals will use all unique services offered by ARPHA, such as data publishing, linked data tables, semantic markup and enhancements, automated export of sub-article elements and data to aggregators, web-service integrations with more than 40 world-class indexing and archiving databases, sub-article-level usage metrics, and more.

Thereby, each submitted manuscript will be carried through the review, editing, publication, dissemination and archiving stages without leaving ARPHA’s collaboration-centred online environment. The articles are to be available in PDF, machine-readable JATS XML formats, and semantically enriched HTML for better reader experience to ensure they are easy to discover, access, cite and reuse.

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny succeeded the historical Entomologische Abhandlungen, formerly published by the Museum of Zoology, Dresden, in 2006. Its scope covers the taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, historical biogeography and palaeontology of arthropod taxa.

Similarly, Vertebrate Zoology was preceded by Zoologische Abhandlungen, also formerly published by the Museum of Zoology, Dresden. It deals with research on the taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, phylogeny, historical biogeography and palaeontology of vertebrates.

Meanwhile, Geologica Saxonica – Journal of Central European Geology, began its life in distant 1876, when it was founded under the name Mitteilungen aus dem Koniglichen Mineralogisch-Geologischen und Prahistorischen Museum by German geologist Hanns Bruno Geinitz, renowned for his work on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks and fossils of Saxony.

“At Pensoft, we take pride in our latest partnership with the world-renowned natural history association of Senckenberg. “We are certain that our collaboration will bring many advantages to the research community: readers, authors and their affiliates alike,”

comments Pensoft and ARPHA’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev.

Senckenberg is not the first prestigious German research institution to enter into an agreement with Pensoft. Since 2014, the Natural History Museum Berlin has trusted the publisher with its own historical titles in the Biology domain: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift and Zoosystematics and Evolution. In 2017, Evolutionary Systematics, another prominent journal with a legacy in the field of Zoology by the University of Hamburg followed suit. Zitteliana, a historical scholarly journal covering all fields of paleontology and geobiology by the State Natural History Collection of Bavaria (SNSB) is to also join the journal portfolio of Pensoft and ARPHA Platform in the next months.


About Senckenberg:

Senckenberg, Research Institutes and Natural History Museums, conduct research in bio- and geoscience. Major research fields are biodiversity and ecosystem research and the research on the entire Earth-Human-Earth system. Senckenberg headquarters are located in Frankfurt am Main, but research on marine, terrestrial and climate systems is also housed at additional nine locations throughout Germany: in Dresden, Gelnhausen, Gorlitz, Hamburg, Messel, Muncheberg, Tubingen, Weimar and Wilhelmshaven. Senckenberg employs about 1,000 people, including 300 scientists. Senckenberg scientists are active in projects worldwide, most of which are international collaborations with universities and other research institutions. Senckenberg hosts biological and geological research collections with more than 35 million series.

Official EASE journal European Science Editing goes diamond OA with ARPHA

Starting from 2020, European Science Editing (ESE), the official journal of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), has been relaunched as a fully Open Access journal with all content freely available and published as soon as accepted, on a new journal website hosted on ARPHA Platform.

This move is part of a strategic relaunch of the journal to provide greater focus on research and expert commentary that will inform and support editors working in the scholarly environment. The relaunch comes after several months of planning by a small working group of EASE Council members and ESE editors. Much of the non-research content previously published in the journal will now be published in the newly-created member magazine, the EASE Digest; for example, News notes, The editor’s bookshelf, Resources, and interviews.

The journal is being relaunched with a new editorial board, but retaining the same Chief Editor, Ksenija Bazdaric, managing editor Dado Cakalo and associate editor associate editors Hrvoje Jakovac, Tom Lang and Joan Marsh. An introductory editorial published in the journal explains the changes.

Introductory editorial by ESE’s Chief Editor, Ksenija Bazdaric. Openly available from https://doi.org/10.3897/ese.2020.e50566.

The new editorial board comprises distinguished members from all over the world: Eva Baranyiova (Czech Republic), Lisa Colledge (UK), Moira Hudson (UK), Olga Kirillova (Russia), Zafer Kocak (Turkey), Rachael Lammey (UK), Vladimir S Lazarev (Belarus), John Loadman (Australia), Herve Maisonneuve (France), Ana Marusic (Croatia), Arjan Polderman (The Netherlands), Maria del Carmen Ruiz Alcocer (Mexico), Karen Shashok (Spain), Cem Uzun (Turkey), and Quan Hoang Vuong (Vietnam).

Ever dedicated to be a source of peer-reviewed information on all aspects of scholarly editing and publishing (i.e. research integrity, peer review, scientometrics, open science, predatory publishing, statistics), writing, translation and ethics, ESE welcomes editorials, original research articles, reviews, viewpoints and correspondence items.

ESE has moved to its new website, provided by the open-access scholarly publishing platform ARPHA (developed by scientific publisher and technology provider Pensoft), for all new articles, although the archive content will remain on the old website. This new website provides better delivery of the journal content and will help to make the journal easier to discover.

“I am happy to be working with the ARPHA team and that ESE has moved to a completely new platform which will raise the profile of editorial research and topics,”

Ksenija Bazdaric, ESE’s Chief Editor.

“At EASE we are delighted to be working with ARPHA and Pensoft to publish the journal in its new format. There has been considerable work invested in relaunching the journal with a new focus so that we can raise the profile of research about editing and the value that editors provide in the scholarly environment. An important part of the relaunch was ensuring greater visibility of the journal content and we are confident that ARPHA can help us achieve this,”

Pippa Smart, President, EASE.

“It could only make us proud at ARPHA that such a pillar in the world of scholarly communication has chosen our publishing platform to make the crucial step towards Open Access. I am certain that by opening up and digitalising its content right away, EASE will greatly facilitate and expedite the improvement of quality and integrity of science on the global scene,”

ARPHA’s and Pensoft’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev. “


Follow European Science Editing on Twitter.

ARPHA Platform’s content integrated into ScienceOpen to take advantage of novel streams of science communication

The research discovery platform ScienceOpen and Pensoft Publishers have entered into a strategic collaboration with the aim of strengthening the companies’ identities as the leaders of innovative content dissemination. The new cooperation will focus on the unified indexation, the integration of Pensoft’s ARPHA Platform content into ScienceOpen and the utilization of novel streams of scientific communication for the published materials.

Pensoft is an independent academic publishing company, well known worldwide for bringing novelty through its cutting-edge publishing tools and for its commitment to open access practices. In 2013, Pensoft launched the first ever, end-to-end, XML-based, authoring, reviewing and publishing workflow, now upgraded to the ARPHA Publishing Platform. As of today, ARPHA hosts over 50 open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals: the whole Pensoft portfolio in addition to titles owned by learned societies, university presses and research institutions.

As part of the strategic collaboration, all Pensoft content and journals hosted on ARPHA are indexed in the ScienceOpen’s research and discovery environment, which puts them into thematic context of over 60 million articles and books. In addition, thousands of articles across more than 20 journals were integrated into a “Pensoft Biodiversity” Collection. Combined this way, the content benefits from the special infrastructure of ScienceOpen Collections, which supports thematic groups of articles and books equipped with a unique landing page, a built-in search engine and an overview of the featured content. The Collections can be reviewed, recommended and shared by users, which facilitates academic debate and increases the discoverability of the research.

The Pensoft Biodiversity collection on ScienceOpen.

“It is certainly great news and a much-anticipated milestone for Pensoft, ARPHA and our long-year partners and supporters from ScienceOpen to have brought our collaboration to a new level by indexing the whole ARPHA-hosted content at ScienceOpen,” comments Pensoft’s and ARPHA’s CEO and founder Prof. Lyubomir Penev. “Most of all, the integration between ARPHA and ScienceOpen at an infrastructural level means that we will be able to offer this incredible service and increased visibility to newcoming journals right away. On the other hand, by streaming fresh and valuable publicly accessible content to the ScienceOpen database, these journals will be further adding to the growth of science in the open.”

Stephanie Dawson, CEO of ScienceOpen says, “I am particularly excited to add new high-quality, open access biodiversity content from Pensoft Publishers to the ScienceOpen discovery environment as we have a very active community of researchers on ScienceOpen creating and sharing Collections in this field. We are looking forward to working with Pensoft’s innovative journals to support their open science goals.”

The collaboration reflects not only the commitment of both Pensoft and ScienceOpen to new methods of knowledge dissemination, but also the joint mission to champion open science through innovation. The two companies will cooperate at a strategic level in order to increase the international outreach of their content and services, and to make them even more accessible to the broad community.


About ScienceOpen:

From promotional collections to Open Access hosting and full publishing packages, ScienceOpen provides next-generation services to academic publishers embedded in an interactive discovery platform. ScienceOpen was founded in 2013 in Berlin and Boston by Alexander Grossmann and Tibor Tscheke to accelerate research communication.

All ARPHA-hosted journals indexed in Transpose to support transparency in journal policies

All open-access, peer-reviewed academic titles of Pensoft‘s, as well as those using the white-label publishing solution provided by the scholarly publishing platform ARPHA, have their journal policy data fed into the Transpose database, in order to increase their discoverability and transparency.

Thanks to the recent integration with the community-sourced initiative Transpose, details about each journal’s approach to peer review, co-review and preprint publication can be easily accessed, navigated and compared through a user-friendly interface. Visitors can also query the data by journal title, publisher, ISSN or DOI, and apply several filters.

Having estimated that almost 1/3 of the top-cited journals across disciplines do not provide clearly basic information about their editorial policies, including whether they operate blind peer review or not, the team behind Transpose launched the forward-thinking community-sourced initiative with the aim to advance practices in academia and increase awareness and transparency amongst authors, editors and many other stakeholder groups. To highlight the essentiality of free and easy access to editorial policies for a wide range of actors, Transpose have published user testimonials on their website coming from various points of view, including early researchers, supervisors, project investigators, funders, publishing staff, and others.

Recent integration of the scholarly publishing platform ARPHA and Transpose results in the editorial policies of all ARPHA-hosted journals being fed into the associated database. Thus, various stakeholders from across the academic landscape are provided with an easy access to details about the peer review, co-review and preprint policies at each journal via a user-friendly interface.

Pensoft and ARPHA’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev says:

“Having been Open Science advocates from the very beginning, at Pensoft and ARPHA, we have always supported our clients and users in being as transparent as possible. Favourite examples are the open-science journal Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO), welcoming continuously updatable publications from across the whole research cycle, and Rethinking Ecology, launched to voice innovative and even bold ideas for the purposes of taking swift actions towards the conservation of the environment. The former operates public pre- and post-publication peer review to support efficient collaboration in research, while the latter relies on double-blind peer reviews, in order to encourage researchers of various experience and background to share their inventive ideas in ecology. Obviously, journal policies are and should be crucial when it comes to picking a specific journal over another regardless of the perspective. This is why I am certain that joining Transpose is doing good for all ARPHA-hosted journals, as well as the academic community.”

ASAPbio‘s Executive Director and member of the team behind Transpose, Dr Jessica Polka adds:

“We’re thrilled to incorporate data from Pensoft into Transpose. Making policy information clear and easy to find ensures that authors and reviewers can work with journals that best align with their values — and that scholarly work can be fairly interpreted by everyone, including general readers.”


Additional information:

About Transpose:

Transpose is an initiative to build a database of journal policies. It focuses on three areas: open peer review, co-reviewing, and detailed pre-printing policies. It welcomes contributions from anyone, but seeks verification from journals and publishers. The goal of Transpose is to foster new practices while increasing awareness among authors, editors, and other stakeholders, and we seek to provide resources to assist journals in setting, sharing, and clarifying their policies.

Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Scientific Society’s journal moves to high-tech ARPHA platform

The established Pharmacia demonstrates a complete makeover in its new issue after signing with scientific publisher and technology provider Pensoft and its signature open-access platform

Launched by the Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Scientific Society in 1954, the open-access, peer-reviewed Pharmacia has been available online as full text since 2007. As of 2019, the journal moves to the fast-expanding portfolio of scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft. The journal’s 2019 inaugural issue and the first since the realisation of the new partnership is already live on the journal’s new website.

Homepage of Pharmacia‘s new website, https://pharmacia.pensoft.net

Thanks to the Pensoft’s signature open-access scholarly publishing platform ARPHA, Pharmacia demonstrates a complete makeover, including a modern and user-friendly interface in addition to a long list of high-tech perks, meant to ensure that published articles are easy to discover, access, cite and reuse by both humans and machines all over the world.

Furthermore, all users of the journal’s system: authors, editors and reviewers alike, are to greatly benefit of ARPHA’s integrated approach to the publication process. This means that once submitted each manuscript goes through the whole cycle: from review and copy/layout editing to publication, dissemination and archiving without leaving ARPHA’s collaboration-focused online environment.

One of the interesting features now available in Pharmacia is the article-level metrics available thanks to the partnership between ARPHA and the revolutionary discovery and analytics tools Dimensions and Altmetric. By searching through millions of research articles, grant applications, clinical trials, as well as policy documents, news stories, blogs and social media posts, they allow for each article’s references and citations in both the academic and the public sphere to be monitored in real time.

Continuing its tradition, the journal welcomes original research and review articles, preliminary and short communications (notes) on a wide range of topics within the pharmaceutical and related sciences. In addition, the journal also publishes conference reports, biographies and book reviews. Articles in Pharmacia are published in English and subjected to single-blind peer review.

Pharmacia‘s Editor-in-Chief Prof Plamen Peikov, comments:

“We have been looking forward to our collaboration with Pensoft and ARPHA, as it is certainly going to not only help modernise Pharmacia on the outside, but also make it more appealing to our authors and readers by building on the journal’s accessibility and global outreach. I believe that this nice step forward is already clearly evident in Pharmacia‘s latest issue.”

ARPHA’s and Pensoft’s founder and CEO Prof Lyubomir Penev says:

“I’m delighted to see this particular journal joining the Pensoft’s and ARPHA’s family,” says ARPHA’s and Pensoft’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev. “With our strong background in scholarly publishing, technology development and open science practices, I am certain that we are able to provide the right venue for a high-quality and enterprising journal like Pharmacia.”

What’s on in the new issue?

The creeping cinquefoil – a perennial plant from the Northern hemisphere – has its status as a traditional medicine for treating diarrhoea, haemorrhoids and bleeding gums confirmed in a collaborative ethnobotanical study by researchers at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Medical University of Sofia (Bulgaria). Further, the team, led by Irena Mincheva, seek to explore the suggested use of the plant against mastitis: a relatively common disease and a major cause for milk reduction in both people and dairy cows.

Another paper, authored by Dr Illya Podolsky and Sergiy Shtrygol from the National University of Pharmacy in Ukraine, adds new information about “the pharmacological nature” of a molecule already known as a promising antidepressant with a unique spectrum of additional properties. By conducting an experiment in rats, using the preferred Morris water maze assessment method, the scientists study the effects of Atristamine on spatial memory and learning.

Pharmacia‘s latest issue is available on the new website. Available in HTML, XML and PDF formats, the articles are easy to find, access, mine, reuse and cite by both humans and computers. Check out the issue at: https://pharmacia.pensoft.net/issue/1757/.


Pharmacia is indexed by ScopusAltmetric, Biotechnobase, CAplusSM/Chemical Abstracts, CNKI, CrossRef, Dimensions, EBSCOhostEmbase, ExtraMED, Google Scholar, J-GateMEDLINE/PubMedMendeleyMicrosoft AcademicNaviga (Softweco)OpenAIREPascalReadCubeToxcenterUnpaywall.

About the Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Scientific Society:

The Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Scientific Society was registered in 2003 with the aim to organise national and international science forums, support education and publish academic literature. Its main objectives are to organise and encourage pharmacological research and support collaboration between pharmacology professionals and related organisations on both national and global level.

Biodiversity Data Journal in Science Citation Index Expanded & Journal Citation Reports

Nearly five years after the launch of the innovative, open access scholarly venue, designed to accelerate biodiversity research by closing the gap between narrative and machine-readable structured data, BDJ is formally recognised as one of the high quality journals in its discipline by Clarivate Analytics.

Following a rigorous evaluation process, Pensoft‘s Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) was accepted for a range of Clarivate Analytics products and services, including the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and the Journal Citation Reports, meaning it is to make use of the Journal Impact Factor and related metrics.

Furthermore, articles published in BDJ are to be abstracted in several databases: Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental SciencesZoological RecordBiological Abstracts and BIOSIS Previews, so that the publications are even easier to find by researchers, while citations are continuously tracked, assessed and analysed.

Unlike conventional scholarly journals, BDJ allows for the integrated publication of data alongside text, made possible through highly automated import and conversion of machine-readable structured data into human-accessible format, resulting in a wide range of article types: data papers, species occurrences, species conservation profiles, software descriptions and others. On the other hand, text published in BDJ can be easily downloaded as data or mined by computers for reuse.

“Going beyond the purposes and capabilities of a traditional scholarly journal, or even a data journal, for five years now, BDJ has been successfully demonstrating how much of a valuable scholarly outlet it really is, especially when it comes to publication of data meant to be optimally findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable to the benefit of the field of biodiversity research,” says Prof. Lyubomir Penev, CEO and founder of both Biodiversity Data Journal and Pensoft.

“This recognition from Clarivate is certainly a great reassurance that BDJ has managed to fulfill its mission in proving its worth on the scholarly scene. After all, it comes with the leading usage metrics, in addition to the already featured AltmetricsDimensionsScopus, and article- and sub-article-level statistics,” he adds.


About Biodiversity Data Journal:

Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) is a community peer-reviewed, open access journal, designed to accelerate publishing, dissemination and sharing of biodiversity-related data of any kind. All structural elements of the articles – text, morphological descriptions, occurrences, data tables, etc. – are treated and stored as data. BDJ aims at integrating data and narrative in the article content to the maximum extent possible. Supplementary data files that underpin graphs, hypotheses and results should also be published with the article or deposited in trusted open access data repositories. The journal provides rich biodiversity data import and export facilities through the ARPHA Writing Tool and Darwin Core Archives.

Russian-born Research Results in Pharmacology moves to high-tech journal platform ARPHA

The rebranded and refreshed journal is now published jointly by Belgorod National Research University and scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft

Since 2015, Belgorod National Research University‘s forward-thinking open-access and peer-reviewed scholarly journal Research Result: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology has been filling an essential gap as a scholarly venue for publications dealing with long-year research outcomes in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology.

Now, having moved to the high-tech journal publishing platform ARPHA (abbreviation standing for Authoring, Reviewing, Publishing, Hosting and Archiving), the rebranded Research Results in Pharmacology demonstrates its refreshed format in its first issue jointly published with open-access scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft via the journal’s brand new website.

Continuing its tradition, the journal welcomes articles on various aspects within pharmacology, including papers devoted to molecular screening with the use of modern methods of proteomics, cellular technologies, results of experimental studies in modeling abnormalities in laboratory animals and clinical studies in the field of pharmacotherapy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacoepidemiology, personalised therapy, multicenter studies and evidence-based medicine. All articles are published in English, with versions in Russian published on Belgorod National Research University’s official website.

Apart from the evolution in its look-and-feel, thanks to the partnership with ARPHA, Research Results in Pharmacology now provides a long list of services at the disposal of all users – editors, reviewers, authors and readers alike, in order to ensure that articles are submitted, reviewed, published and disseminated rapidly and conveniently. To do this, the whole publication process takes place within ARPHA’s singular online environment.

Once published, each article is freely available in three formats (PDF, XML, HTML), enriched with a whole set of semantic enhancements, so that the articles, along with their data, are easy to discover, access and harvest by both humans and machines.

Amongst the high-tech perks greeting any online publication’s visitor are the article-level metrics available thanks to the partnership between ARPHA and the revolutionary discovery and analytics tools Dimensions and Altmetric. By searching through millions of research articles, grant applications, clinical trials, as well as policy documents, news stories, blogs and social media posts, they allow for each article’s references and citations in both the academic and the public sphere to be monitored in real time.

“I’m delighted to welcome this particular new member of the Pensoft’s and ARPHA’s family,” says ARPHA’s and Pensoft’s founder and CEO Prof. Lyubomir Penev. “With our strong background in scholarly publishing, technology development and open science practices, I am certain that we are able to provide the right venue for a brilliant and enterprising journal such as Research Results in Pharmacology.”

“I find our new partnership with ARPHA and Pensoft to be extremely advantageous for Research Results in Pharmacology, and this is already showing in our first issue since joining our efforts,” says Prof. Mikhail Pokrovsky, Editor-in-Chief at Research Results in Pharmacology. “I would like to especially thank Lyubomir and his team for fully understanding and meeting our needs, resulting in a wonderful professional collaboration, as well as friendship.”

Research Results in Pharmacology is the second Russian journal in ARPHA’s and Pensoft’s portfolios. Several new titles are expected to join them later this year.


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